
Talk: T.J. Demos

T.J. Demos: "Against the Anthropocene: Art and Ecology in the Age of Capital"

Charlottenborg Art Talks
Sted: Hirschsprung auditoriet
Entré: Gratis

T.J. Demos er professor i kunsthistorie og visuel kultur ved University of California og beskæftiger sig med globale politiske emner som bæredygtighed, klimaforandringer og neoliberalisme, og dertil hvilken rolle kunsten spiller, og hvordan kunst kan udfordre og udøve en form for aktivisme overfor mere etablerede politiske systemer. Til denne aftens talk vil T.J. Demos præsentere hans kommende bog ”Against the Anthropocene: Art and Ecology in the Age of Capital" og læse et kapitel op derfra.

Addressing the current upswing of scientific and environmental arts and humanities-based attention in relation to the recent geological proposition that we have entered a new human-driven epoch called the Anthropocene, this presentation offers a critical overview of that thesis as well as its limitations, in conceptualization and in practice. Looking at multiple examples of visual culture—including popular science websites, remote sensing and SatNav imagery, eco-activist mobilizations, and experimental artistic projects—it considers how the term proposes more than merely a description of objective geological periodization. Rather, this presentation argues that the Anthropocene terminology works ideologically in support of neoliberalism’s financialization of nature, anthropocentrism’s political economy, and the endorsement of geoengineering as the preferred—but likely disastrous—method of approaching climate change. To democratize decisions about the world’s near future, we urgently need to subject the Anthropocene thesis to critical scrutiny and develop creative alternatives in the present.

Om Charlottenborg Art Talks
I løbet af efteråret byder Charlottenborg Art Talks hver onsdag på bl.a. foredrag, performances, film screeninger, oplæsninger og debatter om kunst med danske og udenlandske kunstnere, forfattere, kuratorer og professorer. Programmet er tilrettelagt i samarbejde med Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler.